# robots.txt for rvtravel.com # we are allowing most bots in User-agent: * Disallow: # we are asking them to not scan out back-end Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /wp-admin/ #we are letting semrush in User-agent: SiteAuditBot Crawl-delay: 1 Allow: / User-agent: Semrushbot-SI Allow: / # we are slowing down some bots User-agent: MSNBot Disallow: Crawl-delay: 1 User-Agent: bingbot Disallow: Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: grapeshot Disallow: Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: comscore Disallow: Crawl-delay: 1 # we are blocking Chinese and Russian bots User-agent: baiduspider Disallow: / User-agent: baiduspider-image Disallow: / User-agent: baiduspider-mobile Disallow: / User-agent: baiduspider-news Disallow: / User-agent: baiduspider-video Disallow: / User-agent: YandexImages Disallow: / User-agent: YandexBot Disallow: / User-agent: YandexMetrika Disallow: / Sitemap: https://www.rvtravel.com/sitemap_index.xml # # we are blocking AI scrapers # User-agent: ChatGPT-User Disallow: / User-agent: GPTBot Disallow: / User-agent: Google-Extended Disallow: / User-agent: anthropic-ai Disallow: / User-agent: Claude-Web Disallow: / User-agent: Twitterbot Disallow: / User-agent: FacebookBot Disallow: / User-agent: CCBot Disallow: / User-agent: cohere-ai Disallow: / User-agent: CCBot Disallow: / User-agent: omgilibot Disallow: / User-agent: omgili Disallow: / User-agent: Amazonbot Disallow: / User-agent: Applebot Disallow: / User-agent: PerplexityBot Disallow: / User-agent: YouBot Disallow: /